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Index of English words, starting with "em"

Showing: 226-230 of 243

Page 46 of 49


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


روشنی کا ۔ فلکی ۔ عرشی ۔
(1) - Empyreal (n.) Empyrean.
(2) - Empyreal (a.) Formed of pure fire or light; refined beyond aerial substance; pertaining to the highest and purest region of heaven.


عرشی ۔ فلکی ۔
(1) - Empyrean (a.) Empyreal.
(2) - Empyrean (n.) The highest heaven, where the pure element of fire was supposed by the ancients to subsist.


رشک کرنا ۔ برابری کرنا ۔ تقلید کرنا ۔
(1) - Emulate (v. t.) To strive to equal or to excel in qualities or actions; to imitate, with a view to equal or to outdo, to vie with; to rival; as, to emulate the good and the great.
(2) - Emulate (a.) Striving to excel; ambitious; emulous.


برابری ۔ رشک ۔ تقلید ۔
(1) - Emulation (n.) Jea/ous rivalry; envy; envious contention.
(2) - Emulation (n.) The endeavor to equal or to excel another in qualities or actions; an assiduous striving to equal or excel another; rivalry.


رشک کرنے والا ۔
(1) - Emulative (a.) Inclined to emulation; aspiring to competition; rivaling; as, an emulative person or effort.