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Index of English words, starting with "fa"

Showing: 231-235 of 339

Page 47 of 68


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


دَرجہ حَرارَت ماپنے کا ایک پَیمانہ ۔ جِس کے مُطابَق پانی کا نُقطہ انجماد ۳۲ فارَن ہائیٹ اور پانی کا نُقطہ کھولاو ۲۱۲ فارَن ہائیٹ مانا گیا ہے ۔


کھانے پِینے والا ۔ کرایَہ اَدا کرنے والا ۔ اَدائیگی کرنے والا ۔


الوداع ۔ فی امن اللہ ۔ خدا حافظ ۔
(1) - Farewell (a.) Parting; valedictory; final; as, a farewell discourse; his farewell bow.
(2) - Farewell (n.) Act of departure; leave-taking; a last look at, or reference to something.
(3) - Farewell (n.) A wish of happiness or welfare at parting; the parting compliment; a good-by; adieu.
(4) - Farewell (interj.) Go well; good-by; adieu; -- originally applied to a person departing, but by custom now applied both to those who depart and those who remain. It is often separated by the pronoun; as, fare you well; and is sometimes used as an expression of separation only; as, farewell the year; farewell, ye sweet groves; that is, I bid you farewell.


آٹا ۔ میدہ ۔ زہرہ گل ۔
(1) - Farina (n.) Pollen.
(2) - Farina (n.) A fine flour or meal made from cereal grains or from the starch or fecula of vegetables, extracted by various processes, and used in cookery.


آٹے کا ۔ میدے کا ۔
(1) - Farinaceous (a.) Like meal; mealy; pertainiing to meal; as, a farinaceous taste, smell, or appearance.
(2) - Farinaceous (a.) Yielding farina or flour; as, ffarinaceous seeds.
(3) - Farinaceous (a.) Consisting or made of meal or flour; as, a farinaceous diet.