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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 231-235 of 835

Page 47 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


داروغہ تولہ خانہ ۔ مہتعم مطبخ ۔
(1) - Pantler (n.) The servant or officer, in a great family, who has charge of the bread and the pantry.


ایک آلہ جس سے ہر تقطیع کے نقشے اور خاکے کی نقل ہو سکتی ہے ۔
(1) - Pantograph (n.) An instrument for copying plans, maps, and other drawings, on the same, or on a reduced or an enlarged, scale.


چپ اداکار ۔ اشاروں سے اداکاری کرنا ۔
(1) - Pantomime (a.) Representing only in mute actions; pantomimic; as, a pantomime dance.
(2) - Pantomime (n.) A dramatic and spectacular entertainment of which dumb acting as well as burlesque dialogue, music, and dancing by Clown, Harlequin, etc., are features.
(3) - Pantomime (n.) A dramatic representation by actors who use only dumb show; hence, dumb show, generally.
(4) - Pantomime (n.) One who acts his part by gesticulation or dumb show only, without speaking; a pantomimist.
(5) - Pantomime (n.) A universal mimic; an actor who assumes many parts; also, any actor.


بھاؤ کا ۔ اشاروں کا ۔
(1) - Pantomimic (a.) Alt. of Pantomimical


اشاروں سے مطلب بتانے والا ۔
(1) - Pantomimist (n.) An actor in pantomime; also, a composer of pantomimes.