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Index of English words, starting with "cr"

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


عرفی ۔ عرف دار ۔ کلغی دار ۔ طرہ دار ۔ گُبھّے دار ۔ گُبھیلا ۔
(1) - Cristate (a.) Crested.


کرسٹل ۔ کرکری ہڈی ۔


جانچ کا اصول ۔ پہچان معیار ۔
(1) - Criterion (n.) A standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test, by which facts, principles opinions, and conduct are tried in forming a correct judgment respecting them.


نکتہ ۔ نقاد ۔ عیب بین ۔
(1) - Critic (v. i.) To criticise; to play the critic.
(2) - Critic (a.) Of or pertaining to critics or criticism; critical.
(3) - Critic (n.) An act of criticism; a critique.
(4) - Critic (n.) The art of criticism.
(5) - Critic (n.) One who passes a rigorous or captious judgment; one who censures or finds fault; a harsh examiner or judge; a caviler; a carper.
(6) - Critic (n.) One skilled in judging of the merits of literary or artistic works; a connoisseur; an adept; hence, one who examines literary or artistic works, etc., and passes judgment upon them; a reviewer.


تنقیدی ۔ مبصر ۔ پراندیشہ ۔
(1) - Critical (n.) Pertaining to, or indicating, a crisis, turning point, or specially important juncture; important as regards consequences; hence, of doubtful issue; attended with risk; dangerous; as, the critical stage of a fever; a critical situation.
(2) - Critical (n.) Characterized by thoroughness and a reference to principles, as becomes a critic; as, a critical analysis of a subject.
(3) - Critical (n.) Inclined to criticise or find fault; fastidious; captious; censorious; exacting.
(4) - Critical (n.) Inclined to make nice distinctions, or to exercise careful judgment and selection; exact; nicely judicious.
(5) - Critical (n.) Pertaining to criticism or the critic's art; of the nature of a criticism; accurate; as, critical knowledge; a critical dissertation.
(6) - Critical (n.) Qualified to criticise, or pass judgment upon, literary or artistic productions.