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Index of English words, starting with "cr"

Showing: 261-265 of 500

Page 53 of 100


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


تنقیدی طریقے سے ۔ اچھی طرح دیکھ بھال کر ۔ جانچ پرکھ سے ۔ ٹھیک وقت پر ۔ نازک حالت میں ۔ ناقدانہ ۔ تنقیدی نظر سے ۔ جانچ پرکھ کر ۔
(1) - Critically (adv.) At a crisis; at a critical time; in a situation, place, or condition of decisive consequence; as, a fortification critically situated.
(2) - Critically (adv.) In a critical manner; with nice discernment; accurately; exactly.


نقد و نظر ۔ نزاکت ۔ نازک پن ۔
(1) - Criticalness (n.) Accuracy in examination or decision; exactness.
(2) - Criticalness (n.) The state or quality of being critical, or of occurring at a critical time.


نکتہ چینی ۔
(1) - Criticism (n.) The act of criticising; a critical judgment passed or expressed; a critical observation or detailed examination and review; a critique; animadversion; censure.
(2) - Criticism (n.) The rules and principles which regulate the practice of the critic; the art of judging with knowledge and propriety of the beauties and faults of a literary performance, or of a production in the fine arts; as, dramatic criticism.


قابل تنقید ۔


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