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Index of English words, starting with "fo"

Showing: 261-265 of 407

Page 53 of 82


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


دو شاخہ ۔ کھڑنچا ۔ کھانے کا کانٹا ۔
(1) - Fork (v. t.) To raise, or pitch with a fork, as hay; to dig or turn over with a fork, as the soil.
(2) - Fork (v. i.) To divide into two or more branches; as, a road, a tree, or a stream forks.
(3) - Fork (v. i.) To shoot into blades, as corn.
(4) - Fork (n.) The gibbet.
(5) - Fork (n.) The place where a division or a union occurs; the angle or opening between two branches or limbs; as, the fork of a river, a tree, or a road.
(6) - Fork (n.) One of the parts into which anything is furcated or divided; a prong; a branch of a stream, a road, etc.; a barbed point, as of an arrow.
(7) - Fork (n.) Anything furcate or like a fork in shape, or furcate at the extremity; as, a tuning fork.
(8) - Fork (n.) An instrument consisting of a handle with a shank terminating in two or more prongs or tines, which are usually of metal, parallel and slightly curved; -- used from piercing, holding, taking up, or pitching anything.


بیچ سے چیرا ہوا ۔ پھٹا ہوا ۔ نوکدار ۔
(1) - Forked (a.) Having a double meaning; ambiguous; equivocal.
(2) - Forked (a.) Formed into a forklike shape; having a fork; dividing into two or more prongs or branches; furcated; bifurcated; zigzag; as, the forked lighting.
(3) - Forked (imp. & p. p.) of Fork


ادا کرنا ۔ حوالے دینا ۔ دے دینا ۔


کانٹے کی طرح ۔
(1) - Forky (a.) Opening into two or more parts or shoots; forked; furcated.


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