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Index of English words, starting with "lo"

Showing: 266-270 of 387

Page 54 of 78


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مالک ۔ حاکم ۔ سرادار ۔ بادشاہ ۔
(1) - Lord (v. i.) To play the lord; to domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; -- sometimes with over; and sometimes with it in the manner of a transitive verb.
(2) - Lord (v. t.) To rule or preside over as a lord.
(3) - Lord (v. t.) To invest with the dignity, power, and privileges of a lord.
(4) - Lord (n.) The Savior; Jesus Christ.
(5) - Lord (n.) The Supreme Being; Jehovah.
(6) - Lord (n.) One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord of the manor.
(7) - Lord (n.) A husband.
(8) - Lord (n.) A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate, lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice, etc.
(9) - Lord (n.) A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy; the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an earl; in a restricted sense, a boron, as opposed to noblemen of higher rank.
(10) - Lord (n.) One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor.
(11) - Lord (n.) A hump-backed person; -- so called sportively.


تکبر، امیری نوابی ۔ شان و شوکت ۔ باوَقار ۔ لارڈ سے متعلق ۔
(1) - Lordliness (n.) The state or quality of being lordly.


چھوٹا لارڈ ۔
(1) - Lordling (n.) A little or insignificant lord.


حاکمانہ ۔ شاہانہ ۔
(1) - Lordly (adv.) In a lordly manner.
(2) - Lordly (superl.) Proud; haughty; imperious; insolent.
(3) - Lordly (superl.) Suitable for a lord; of or pertaining to a lord; resembling a lord; hence, grand; noble; dignified; honorable.


فَطار ۔ لَمبَر سَپائن کا زائد آگے کی طَرَف مُحَدَّب خَم ۔ کُبڑا پَن ریڑھ کی ہڈی کا اندر کی طرف غیر معمولی ٹیڑھا پن ۔
(1) - Lordosis (n.) Any abnormal curvature of the bones.
(2) - Lordosis (n.) A curvature of the spine forwards, usually in the lumbar region.