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Index of English words, starting with "cr"

Showing: 271-275 of 500

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مینڈک کی طرح ٹرانا ۔ بری فال نکالنا ۔ کائیں کائیں کرنا ۔
(1) - Croak (n.) The coarse, harsh sound uttered by a frog or a raven, or a like sound.
(2) - Croak (v. t.) To utter in a low, hoarse voice; to announce by croaking; to forebode; as, to croak disaster.
(3) - Croak (v. i.) To complain; especially, to grumble; to forebode evil; to utter complaints or forebodings habitually.
(4) - Croak (v. i.) To make a low, hoarse noise in the throat, as a frog, a raven, or a crow; hence, to make any hoarse, dismal sound.


ترانے والا ۔
(1) - Croaker (n.) The surf fish of California.
(2) - Croaker (n.) An American fresh-water fish (Aplodinotus grunniens); -- called also drum.
(3) - Croaker (n.) A small American fish (Micropogon undulatus), of the Atlantic coast.
(4) - Croaker (n.) One who croaks, murmurs, grumbles, or complains unreasonably; one who habitually forebodes evil.


ٹرانے والا ۔


بحر ایڈریاٹک کے مشرق میں واقع علاقہ ۔ کروشیا ۔ اس کے عوام کے متعلق ۔ اُن کی سلاوی بولی کے متعلّق ۔
(1) - Croatian (n.) A Croat.
(2) - Croatian (a.) Of or pertaining to Croatia.


ایک قسم کا جال ۔
(1) - Crochet (v. t. & i.) To knit with a crochet needle or hook; as, to crochet a shawl.
(2) - Crochet (n.) A kind of knitting done by means of a hooked needle, with worsted, silk, or cotton; crochet work. Commonly used adjectively.