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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 281-285 of 835

Page 57 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


فار قلیط ۔ روح القدس ۔
(1) - Paraclete (n.) An advocate; one called to aid or support; hence, the Consoler, Comforter, or Intercessor; -- a term applied to the Holy Spirit.


بے حرف ربط ملا ہوا ، ۔


فوج کی سف آرائی کرنا ۔ فوج کو گزارنا ۔ نمائش کرنا ۔ اظہار ۔ نمائش ۔ فوجی مظاہرہ ۔
(1) - Parade (v. i.) To assemble in military order for evolutions and inspection; to form or march, as in review.
(2) - Parade (v. i.) To make an exhibition or spectacle of one's self, as by walking in a public place.
(3) - Parade (v. t.) To assemble and form; to marshal; to cause to maneuver or march ceremoniously; as, to parade troops.
(4) - Parade (v. t.) To exhibit in a showy or ostentatious manner; to show off.
(5) - Parade (v. t.) A public walk; a promenade.
(6) - Parade (v. t.) Posture of defense; guard.
(7) - Parade (v. t.) That which is displayed; a show; a spectacle; an imposing procession; the movement of any body marshaled in military order; as, a parade of firemen.
(8) - Parade (v. t.) Pompous show; formal display or exhibition.
(9) - Parade (v. t.) An assembly and orderly arrangement or display of troops, in full equipments, for inspection or evolutions before some superior officer; a review of troops. Parades are general, regimental, or private (troop, battery, or company), according to the force assembled.
(10) - Parade (v. t.) The ground where a military display is held, or where troops are drilled.


ظاہر کرنے والا ۔ نمائش کرنے والا ۔


کیڑے مارنے والی دوا ۔