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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 291-295 of 1113

Page 59 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


ارسال ۔ ترسیل ۔
(1) - Transmission (n.) The right possessed by an heir or legatee of transmitting to his successor or successors any inheritance, legacy, right, or privilege, to which he is entitled, even if he should die without enjoying or exercising it.
(2) - Transmission (n.) The act of transmitting, or the state of being transmitted; as, the transmission of letters, writings, papers, news, and the like, from one country to another; the transmission of rights, titles, or privileges, from father to son, or from one generation to another.


ارسال کرنا ۔ روانہ کرنا ۔ منتقل کرنا ۔ پہنچانا ۔ اندر سے گزرنے دینا ۔ واسطہ ہونا ۔
(1) - Transmit (v. t.) To suffer to pass through; as, glass transmits light; metals transmit, or conduct, electricity.
(2) - Transmit (v. t.) To cause to pass over or through; to communicate by sending; to send from one person or place to another; to pass on or down as by inheritance; as, to transmit a memorial; to transmit dispatches; to transmit money, or bills of exchange, from one country to another.


ارسال کرنے قابل ۔ روانہ کرنے کے قابل ۔


عملِ تَرسیل ۔ اِنتقال ۔ ایصال ۔ گُزر حرارت ۔
(1) - Transmittal (n.) Transmission.


عملِ تَرسیل ۔ بھیجنے کا عمَل ۔ کِسی پیغام یا اِشارے کی تَرسیل ۔
(1) - Transmittance (n.) Transmission.