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Index of English words, starting with "wh"

Showing: 26-30 of 270

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


گندم ۔
(1) - Wheat (n.) A cereal grass (Triticum vulgare) and its grain, which furnishes a white flour for bread, and, next to rice, is the grain most largely used by the human race.


ایک قِسم کی چھوٹی چِڑیا ۔ شَمالی مُنطقے کے چھوٹے چھوٹے پَرِندوں کی انواع میں سے کوئی ایک جِن کا اُوپر کا حِصّہ خاکی بُھورا ہوتا ہے ۔
(1) - Wheatear (n.) A small European singing bird (Saxicola /nanthe). The male is white beneath, bluish gray above, with black wings and a black stripe through each eye. The tail is black at the tip and in the middle, but white at the base and on each side. Called also checkbird, chickell, dykehopper, fallow chat, fallow finch, stonechat, and whitetail.


گندمی ۔ گیہوں کا ۔
(1) - Wheaten (a.) Made of wheat; as, wheaten bread.


کِرم گَندُم ۔ ایک چھوٹا سا خیطیہ جرثُومہ جو گَندُم کی اُگتی ہوئی فصل کو اکثر نُقصان پہنچاتا ہے ۔
(1) - Wheatworm (n.) A small nematode worm (Anguillula tritici) which attacks the grains of wheat in the ear. It is found in wheat affected with smut, each of the diseased grains containing a large number of the minute young of the worm.


میٹھی باتوں سے ورغلا نا ۔ خوشامد کرنا ۔ راضی کرنا ۔
(1) - Wheedle (v. i.) To flatter; to coax; to cajole.
(2) - Wheedle (v. t.) To grain, or get away, by flattery.
(3) - Wheedle (v. t.) To entice by soft words; to cajole; to flatter; to coax.