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Index of English words, starting with "lo"

Showing: 326-330 of 387

Page 66 of 78


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


پیارا ۔ ہر دل عزیز ۔ قابل محبت ۔
(1) - Lovable (a.) Having qualities that excite, or are fitted to excite, love; worthy of love.


قابِلِ مُحَبَّت انداز میں ۔


اجمود ۔ سنبل ۔ ایک یورپی بوٹی جس کا تعلق اجمود خاندان سے ہے ۔
(1) - Lovage (n.) An umbelliferous plant (Levisticum officinale), sometimes used in medicine as an aromatic stimulant.


پیار یا محبت کرنا ۔ عزیز جاننا ۔ بھت پسند کرنا ۔
(1) - Love (v. i.) To have the feeling of love; to be in love.
(2) - Love (n.) To take delight or pleasure in; to have a strong liking or desire for, or interest in; to be pleased with; to like; as, to love books; to love adventures.
(3) - Love (n.) To regard with passionate and devoted affection, as that of one sex for the other.
(4) - Love (n.) To have a feeling of love for; to regard with affection or good will; as, to love one's children and friends; to love one's country; to love one's God.
(5) - Love (n.) Nothing; no points scored on one side; -- used in counting score at tennis, etc.
(6) - Love (n.) A climbing species of Clematis (C. Vitalba).
(7) - Love (n.) A thin silk stuff.
(8) - Love (n.) Cupid, the god of love; sometimes, Venus.
(9) - Love (n.) The object of affection; -- often employed in endearing address.
(10) - Love (n.) Due gratitude and reverence to God.
(11) - Love (n.) Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire; fondness; good will; -- opposed to hate; often with of and an object.
(12) - Love (n.) Courtship; -- chiefly in the phrase to make love, i. e., to court, to woo, to solicit union in marriage.
(13) - Love (n.) Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex.
(14) - Love (n.) A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love of brothers and sisters.


ولایتی بینگن، ٹماٹر لو ایپل ۔ ولائتی بینگن ۔