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Index of English words, starting with "cr"

Showing: 356-360 of 500

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مستُول چوب ۔ کِسی مستُول کے بالائی حِصّے میں لگے ہوئے ڈنڈے ، جو عرشے کے متوازی لگائے جاتے ہیں ۔
(1) - Crosstrees (n. pl.) Pieces of timber at a masthead, to which are attached the upper shrouds. At the head of lower masts in large vessels, they support a semicircular platform called the "top."


عبور پَٹّی ۔ سڑک یا شاہراہ کو پَیدل کراس کَرنے کے لیے نِشان لگائی ہوئی پَٹّی ۔


مَثلِ صلیب ۔ چوپارے کی شکل میں ۔ آر پار ۔ چوہٹّی کی طرح ۔ بہ اَندازِ چلیپا ۔
(1) - Crosswise (adv.) In the form of a cross; across; transversely.


لٹک ۔ ترنگ ۔ آنکڑا ۔ کانٹا ۔
(1) - Crotch (n.) A stanchion or post of wood or iron, with two arms for supporting a boom, spare yards, etc.; -- called also crane and crutch.
(2) - Crotch (n.) The angle formed by the parting of two legs or branches; a fork; the point where a trunk divides; as, the crotch of a tree.


آنکڑا ۔ کانٹا ۔
(1) - Crotchet (v. i.) To play music in measured time.
(2) - Crotchet (n.) A perverse fancy; a whim which takes possession of the mind; a conceit.
(3) - Crotchet (n.) An instrument of a hooked form, used in certain cases in the extraction of a fetus.
(4) - Crotchet (n.) A bracket. See Bracket.
(5) - Crotchet (n.) The arrangement of a body of troops, either forward or rearward, so as to form a line nearly perpendicular to the general line of battle.
(6) - Crotchet (n.) An indentation in the glacis of the covered way, at a point where a traverse is placed.
(7) - Crotchet (n.) A time note, with a stem, having one fourth the value of a semibreve, one half that of a minim, and twice that of a quaver; a quarter note.
(8) - Crotchet (n.) A forked support; a crotch.