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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 381-385 of 1113

Page 77 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مُنحَرفیہ ۔ عُضلہٴ مُنحَرفہ ۔ پُشتِ گَردن کے لَمبے تکونے پَٹّھوں میں سے کوئی پَٹّھا یا عُضلہ ۔


مُنحَرِف السَطوح مُجَسّم ۔ کَرِسٹَل ۔ جامَد جِس کے چہرے تمام تَر مُنحَرِفات ہوتے ہیں ۔
(1) - Trapezohedron (n.) A tetartohedral solid of the hexagonal system, bounded by six trapezoidal planes. The faces of this form are common on quartz crystals.
(2) - Trapezohedron (n.) A solid bounded by twenty-four equal and similar trapeziums; a tetragonal trisoctahedron. See the Note under Trisoctahedron.


ایک مستطل جس کے ضلعے متوازی نہ ہوں ۔
(1) - Trapezoid (a.) Of or pertaining to the trapezoid ligament; as, the trapezoid line.
(2) - Trapezoid (a.) Having the form of a trapezoid; trapezoidal; as, the trapezoid ligament which connects the coracoid process and the clavicle.
(3) - Trapezoid (n.) A bone of the carpus at the base of the second metacarpal, or index finger.
(4) - Trapezoid (n.) A plane four-sided figure, having two sides parallel to each other.


مُنحَرِف نُما ۔ مُربّع کی شَکَل کا ۔
(1) - Trapezoidal (a.) Trapezohedral.
(2) - Trapezoidal (a.) Having the form of a trapezoid; trapezoid.


جانور پکڑنے والا ۔
(1) - Trapper (n.) A boy who opens and shuts a trapdoor in a gallery or level.
(2) - Trapper (n.) One who traps animals; one who makes a business of trapping animals for their furs.