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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 401-405 of 835

Page 81 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مشترکہ وراثت ۔ شریک ۔
(1) - Parcenary (n.) The holding or occupation of an inheritable estate which descends from the ancestor to two or more persons; coheirship.


شریک وراثت ۔ پٹی دار ۔
(1) - Parcener (n.) A coheir, or one of two or more persons to whom an estate of inheritance descends jointly, and by whom it is held as one estate.


بھوننا ۔ بریاں کرنا ۔ سکھانا ۔ خشک کرنا ۔
(1) - Parch (v. i.) To become scorched or superficially burnt; to be very dry.
(2) - Parch (v. t.) To dry to extremity; to shrivel with heat; as, the mouth is parched from fever.
(3) - Parch (v. t.) To burn the surface of; to scorch; to roast over the fire, as dry grain; as, to parch the skin; to parch corn.


چرم ۔ چرمی کاغذ ۔
(1) - Parchment (n.) The envelope of the coffee grains, inside the pulp.
(2) - Parchment (n.) The skin of a lamb, sheep, goat, young calf, or other animal, prepared for writing on. See Vellum.


گل بگھا ۔ بوربچہ ۔ تیندورا ۔ ساجھی ۔ دوست ۔
(1) - Pard (n.) A leopard; a panther.