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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 406-410 of 1424

Page 82 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


زِیادہ قُوّت سے ۔ زور سے ۔ اہمِیَت سے ۔


زیادہ وزنی ہونا ۔ وزن میں بھاری ہونا ۔ مقدار میں زیادہ ہونا ۔
(1) - Preponderate (v. i.) To exceed in weight; hence, to incline or descend, as the scale of a balance; figuratively, to exceed in influence, power, etc.; hence; to incline to one side; as, the affirmative side preponderated.
(2) - Preponderate (v. t.) To cause to prefer; to incline; to decide.
(3) - Preponderate (v. t.) To overpower by stronger or moral power.
(4) - Preponderate (v. t.) To outweigh; to overpower by weight; to exceed in weight; to overbalance.


زِیادہ بھاری ہوتے ہُوے ۔ اہَم ہونے کی وَجَہ سے ۔ وُقعَت کے لِحاظ سے ۔
(1) - Preponderatingly (adv.) In a preponderating manner; preponderantly.


کسی شے کی زیادتی یا اہمیت ۔ کسی شَے کی زیادتی یا اہمیت ۔
(1) - Preponderation (n.) The act or state of preponderating; preponderance; as, a preponderation of reasons.


حرف جار ۔
(1) - Preposition (n.) A proposition; an exposition; a discourse.
(2) - Preposition (n.) A word employed to connect a noun or a pronoun, in an adjectival or adverbial sense, with some other word; a particle used with a noun or pronoun (in English always in the objective case) to make a phrase limiting some other word; -- so called because usually placed before the word with which it is phrased; as, a bridge of iron; he comes from town; it is good for food; he escaped by running.