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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 411-415 of 835

Page 83 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


معاف کیجیے ۔


کاٹنا ۔ کترنا ۔ تراش دینا ۔
(1) - Pare (v. t.) Fig.: To diminish the bulk of; to reduce; to lessen.
(2) - Pare (v. t.) To remove; to separate; to cut or shave, as the skin, ring, or outside part, from anything; -- followed by off or away; as; to pare off the ring of fruit; to pare away redundancies.
(3) - Pare (v. t.) To cut off, or shave off, the superficial substance or extremities of; as, to pare an apple; to pare a horse's hoof.


مسکن دوا ۔ درد کم کرنے والی دوا ۔
(1) - Paregoric (n.) A medicine that mitigates pain; an anodyne; specifically, camphorated tincture of opium; -- called also paregoric elexir.
(2) - Paregoric (a.) Mitigating; assuaging or soothing pain; as, paregoric elixir.


ایک برازیلی پودا جس کی جڑ دوا کے کام آتی ہے ۔


مغز عضو ۔ افیم کا فور زَدَہ ٹَنکچَر جو کھانسی کے شَربَت میں اِستَعمال ہوتا ہے ۔
(1) - Parenchyma (n.) The soft celluar substance of the tissues of plants and animals, like the pulp of leaves, to soft tissue of glands, and the like.