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Index of English words, starting with "sh"

Showing: 411-415 of 620

Page 83 of 124


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


پھٹے ہوئے کپڑوں سے نکالا ہوا اون ۔
(1) - Shoddy (a.) Made wholly or in part of shoddy; containing shoddy; as, shoddy cloth; shoddy blankets; hence, colloquially, not genuine; sham; pretentious; as, shoddy aristocracy.
(2) - Shoddy (v. t.) A fabric of inferior quality made of, or containing a large amount of, shoddy.
(3) - Shoddy (v. t.) A fibrous material obtained by "deviling," or tearing into fibers, refuse woolen goods, old stockings, rags, druggets, etc. See Mungo.


جوتا ۔ جوتی ۔ نعل بندی کرنا ۔ نعل چڑھانا ۔
(1) - Shoe (n.) To protect or ornament with something which serves the purpose of a shoe; to tip.
(2) - Shoe (n.) To furnish with a shoe or shoes; to put a shoe or shoes on; as, to shoe a horse, a sled, an anchor.
(3) - Shoe (n.) A plate, or notched piece, interposed between a moving part and the stationary part on which it bears, to take the wear and afford means of adjustment; -- called also slipper, and gib.
(4) - Shoe (n.) An iron socket to protect the point of a wooden pile.
(5) - Shoe (n.) An iron socket or plate to take the thrust of a strut or rafter.
(6) - Shoe (n.) An inclined trough in an ore-crushing mill.
(7) - Shoe (n.) The trough or spout for conveying the grain from the hopper to the eye of the millstone.
(8) - Shoe (n.) A trough-shaped or spout-shaped member, put at the bottom of the water leader coming from the eaves gutter, so as to throw the water off from the building.
(9) - Shoe (n.) The part of a railroad car brake which presses upon the wheel to retard its motion.
(10) - Shoe (n.) A drag, or sliding piece of wood or iron, placed under the wheel of a loaded vehicle, to retard its motion in going down a hill.
(11) - Shoe (n.) A band of iron or steel, or a ship of wood, fastened to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh, or any vehicle which slides on the snow.
(12) - Shoe (n.) A plate or rim of iron nailed to the hoof of an animal to defend it from injury.
(13) - Shoe (n.) Anything resembling a shoe in form, position, or use.
(14) - Shoe (n.) A covering for the human foot, usually made of leather, having a thick and somewhat stiff sole and a lighter top. It differs from a boot on not extending so far up the leg.


طائر مائی ۔ ایک جُل چل افریقی پَرندہ جِس کی چُونچ جُوتے کی سی ہوتی ہے ۔
(1) - Shoebill (n.) A large African wading bird (Balaeniceps rex) allied to the storks and herons, and remarkable for its enormous broad swollen bill. It inhabits the valley of the White Nile. See Illust. (l.) of Beak.


جُوتے پالِش کَرنے والا ۔ ہوٹَل میں جُوتے صاف کرنے والا ۔
(1) - Shoeblack (n.) One who polishes shoes.


ایک خَم دار دھاتی شے جِس کی مَدد سے جُوتا پہننا آسان ہو جاتا ہے ۔
(1) - Shoehorn (n.) Alt. of Shoeing-horn