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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 416-420 of 835

Page 84 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مغز عضوعی ۔ بافت اصلی سے متعلّق ۔
(1) - Parenchymal (a.) Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, parenchyma.


بافت اصلی کے طور پر ۔ مغز عضوی کے انداز میں ۔


مادر پدر ۔ والدین ۔ مورث ۔
(1) - Parent (n.) That which produces; cause; source; author; begetter; as, idleness is the parent of vice.
(2) - Parent (n.) One who begets, or brings forth, offspring; a father or a mother.


اصل نسب ۔ نسل ۔ خاندان ۔
(1) - Parentage (n.) Descent from parents or ancestors; parents or ancestors considered with respect to their rank or character; extraction; birth; as, a man of noble parentage.


بزرگانہ ۔ مشفقانہ ۔
(1) - Parental (a.) Becoming to, or characteristic of, parents; tender; affectionate; devoted; as, parental care.
(2) - Parental (a.) Of or pertaining to a parent or to parents; as, parental authority; parental obligations.