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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 431-435 of 1424

Page 87 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


اختیار ۔ استحقاق ۔ اختیار بلحاظ عہدہ ۔
(1) - Prerogative (n.) Precedence; preeminence; first rank.
(2) - Prerogative (n.) An exclusive or peculiar privilege; prior and indefeasible right; fundamental and essential possession; -- used generally of an official and hereditary right which may be asserted without question, and for the exercise of which there is no responsibility or accountability as to the fact and the manner of its exercise.


صدارت ۔ صدر کا عہدہ ۔ فرض ۔ منصبی یا معیار تقرر ۔


فال ۔ شگون ۔ پیشگی آگاہی ۔
(1) - Presage (v. i.) To form or utter a prediction; -- sometimes used with of.
(2) - Presage (v. t.) To foretell; to predict; to foreshow; to indicate.
(3) - Presage (v. t.) To have a presentiment of; to feel beforehand; to foreknow.
(4) - Presage (v. t.) Power to look the future, or the exercise of that power; foreknowledge; presentiment.
(5) - Presage (v. t.) Something which foreshows or portends a future event; a prognostic; an omen; an augury.


فال یا شگون سے بھرا ہوا ۔ فال یا شَگُون سے بھَرا ہُوا ۔
(1) - Presageful (a.) Full of presages; ominous.


پیشین گو ۔ فال نکالنے والا ۔
(1) - Presager (n.) One who, or that which, presages; a foreteller; a foreboder.