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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 456-460 of 1113

Page 92 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


دفینہ جو زمین سے برآمد ہو اور جس کے مالک کا پتہ نہ ہو ۔


خزانہ ۔ خزانہ کی جگہ ۔ سرشتہ مال ۔
(1) - Treasury (n.) A treasure.
(2) - Treasury (n.) Hence, a book or work containing much valuable knowledge, wisdom, wit, or the like; a thesaurus; as, " Maunder's Treasury of Botany."
(3) - Treasury (n.) A repository of abundance; a storehouse.
(4) - Treasury (n.) That department of a government which has charge of the finances.
(5) - Treasury (n.) A place or building in which stores of wealth are deposited; especially, a place where public revenues are deposited and kept, and where money is disbursed to defray the expenses of government; hence, also, the place of deposit and disbursement of any collected funds.


باب حکومت ۔ حکومتی صف ۔


سرکاری ہنڈی جو عارضی ضروریات کے لیے خزانے کی طرف سے جاری کی جاتی ہے ۔


پیش آنا ۔ معالجہ کرنا ۔ سلوک کرنا ۔ سمجھنا ۔ خیال کرنا ۔ ضیافت کرنا ۔ دعوت کرنا ۔ لطف کی چیز ۔
(1) - Treat (n.) That which affords entertainment; a gratification; a satisfaction; as, the concert was a rich treat.
(2) - Treat (n.) An entertainment given as an expression of regard.
(3) - Treat (n.) A parley; a conference.
(4) - Treat (v. i.) To give a gratuitous entertainment, esp. of food or drink, as a compliment.
(5) - Treat (v. i.) To negotiate; to come to terms of accommodation; -- often followed by with; as, envoys were appointed to treat with France.
(6) - Treat (v. i.) To discourse; to handle a subject in writing or speaking; to make discussion; -- usually with of; as, Cicero treats of old age and of duties.
(7) - Treat (v. t.) To entreat; to beseech.
(8) - Treat (v. t.) To subject to some action; to apply something to; as, to treat a substance with sulphuric acid.
(9) - Treat (v. t.) To care for medicinally or surgically; to manage in the use of remedies or appliances; as, to treat a disease, a wound, or a patient.
(10) - Treat (v. t.) To negotiate; to settle; to make terms for.
(11) - Treat (v. t.) To entertain with food or drink, especially the latter, as a compliment, or as an expression of friendship or regard; as, to treat the whole company.
(12) - Treat (v. t.) To discourse on; to handle in a particular manner, in writing or speaking; as, to treat a subject diffusely.
(13) - Treat (v. t.) To handle; to manage; to use; to bear one's self toward; as, to treat prisoners cruelly; to treat children kindly.