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Index of English words, starting with "vi"

Showing: 456-460 of 484

Page 92 of 97


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


زندہ دلی سے ۔


جان بخشی، جلانا حیویت ۔ حیات بخشی ۔ جلا بخشی ۔ جان ڈالنے کا عمل ۔
(1) - Vivification (n.) The act or process of vivificating.
(2) - Vivification (n.) One of the changes of assimilation, in which proteid matter which has been transformed, and made a part of the tissue or tissue cells, is endowed with life, and thus enabled to manifest the phenomena of irritability, contractility, etc.
(3) - Vivification (n.) The act of vivifying, or the state of being vivified; restoration of life; revival.


زندہ کرنے والا، جلانے والا ۔
(1) - Vivificative (a.) Able or tending to vivify, animate, or give life; vivifying.


جان آفرین ۔ جان بخش ۔ جان ڈالنے والا ۔ رُوح پھُونکنے والا ۔


زندہ کرنا ۔ جان ڈالنا ۔
(1) - Vivify (v. t.) To endue with life; to make to be living; to quicken; to animate.