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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 466-470 of 1113

Page 94 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


معاہدہ ۔ عہدوپیمان ۔ قول صلح نامہ ۔
(1) - Treaty (n.) A treatise; a tract.
(2) - Treaty (n.) A proposal tending to an agreement.
(3) - Treaty (n.) An agreement so made; specifically, an agreement, league, or contract between two or more nations or sovereigns, formally signed by commissioners properly authorized, and solemnly ratified by the several sovereigns, or the supreme power of each state; an agreement between two or more independent states; as, a treaty of peace; a treaty of alliance.
(4) - Treaty (n.) The act of treating for the adjustment of differences, as for forming an agreement; negotiation.


بندگاہ جس کو بین الاقوامی معاہدہ کے تحت کھلا رکھنا پڑتا ہے ۔


سہ چند ۔ تگنا ۔ تین کا ۔ تگنا کرنا ۔
(1) - Treble (v. i.) To become threefold.
(2) - Treble (v. t.) To utter in a treble key; to whine.
(3) - Treble (v. t.) To make thrice as much; to make threefold.
(4) - Treble (n.) The highest of the four principal parts in music; the part usually sung by boys or women; soprano.
(5) - Treble (adv.) Trebly; triply.
(6) - Treble (a.) Playing or singing the highest part or most acute sounds; playing or singing the treble; as, a treble violin or voice.
(7) - Treble (a.) Acute; sharp; as, a treble sound.
(8) - Treble (a.) Threefold; triple.


تِگنے طور پَر ۔ سہ چَند طور پَر ۔ تہرے انداز میں ۔
(1) - Trebly (adv.) In a treble manner; with a threefold number or quantity; triply.


مُنجنیق ۔ ازمنہ وسطی کا فوجی آلہ یا مشین جِس کے ذَریعے جَنگ کے دوران سَنگ باری کی جاتی تھی ۔
(1) - Trebuchet (n.) Alt. of Trebucket