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Index of English words, starting with "la"

Showing: 471-475 of 582

Page 95 of 117


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


تھوڑے دن ہوئے ۔
(1) - Latterly (adv.) Lately; of late; recently; at a later, as distinguished from a former, period.


لوہے کی جال ۔ عمارت کی جالی ۔
(1) - Lattice (v. i.) To close, as an opening, with latticework; to furnish with a lattice; as, to lattice a window.
(2) - Lattice (v. i.) To make a lattice of; as, to lattice timbers.
(3) - Lattice (n.) The representation of a piece of latticework used as a bearing, the bands being vertical and horizontal.
(4) - Lattice (n.) Any work of wood or metal, made by crossing laths, or thin strips, and forming a network; as, the lattice of a window; -- called also latticework.


جالی دار ۔
(1) - Latticed (imp. & p. p.) of Lattice


لوہے کا کام ۔
(1) - Latticework (n.) Same as Lattice, n., 1.


جالی کا کام ۔
(1) - Latticing (n.) A system of bars crossing in the middle to form braces between principal longitudinal members, as of a strut.
(2) - Latticing (n.) The act or process of making a lattice of, or of fitting a lattice to.
(3) - Latticing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lattice