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Index of English words, starting with "am"

Showing: 251-255 of 297

Page 51 of 60


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


پھیلاؤ ۔ توسیع ۔
(1) - Amplification (n.) The matter by which a statement is amplified; as, the subject was presented without amplifications.
(2) - Amplification (n.) The enlarging of a simple statement by particularity of description, the use of epithets, etc., for rhetorical effect; diffuse narrative or description, or a dilating upon all the particulars of a subject.
(3) - Amplification (n.) The act of amplifying or enlarging in dimensions; enlargement; extension.


افزُوں گَری کا حامِل ۔ بَڑا کَرنے تَوسیع یا طُول کا کام دیتے ہُوئے ۔
(1) - Amplificatory (a.) Serving to amplify or enlarge; amplificative.


بڑا ۔ طویل ۔ بلند ۔
(1) - Amplified (imp. & p. p.) of Amplify


ریڈیو کا والو جو مُتبادِل برقی رو کے حیطے میں اِضافہ کرنے کے لیے اِستعمال کیا جاتا ہے ۔ بلند گو ۔ اونچا ۔ زیادہ اوپر ۔ افزائندَہ ۔ افزُوں گَر ۔ واسِع ۔ جو بَڑھاتا یا تَوسیع دیتا ہے ۔
(1) - Amplifier (n.) One who or that which amplifies.


بڑا کرنا ۔ طول دینا ۔ آواز بلند کرنا ۔
(1) - Amplify (v. i.) To speak largely or copiously; to be diffuse in argument or description; to dilate; to expatiate; -- often with on or upon.
(2) - Amplify (v. i.) To become larger.
(3) - Amplify (v. t.) To enlarge by addition or discussion; to treat copiously by adding particulars, illustrations, etc.; to expand; to make much of.
(4) - Amplify (v. t.) To render larger, more extended, or more intense, and the like; -- used especially of telescopes, microscopes, etc.