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Index of English words, starting with "at"

Showing: 106-110 of 161

Page 22 of 33


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


جس کا حاصل ہونا ممکن ہو ۔
(1) - Attainable (a.) Obtainable.
(2) - Attainable (a.) Capable of being attained or reached by efforts of the mind or body; capable of being compassed or accomplished by efforts directed to the object.


حاصل ہونے کی صلاحیت ۔
(1) - Attainableness (n.) The quality of being attainable; attainability.


ممکن الحصول ۔


وراثت سے محرومی ۔
(1) - Attainder (n.) A stain or staining; state of being in dishonor or condemnation.
(2) - Attainder (n.) The act of attainting, or the state of being attainted; the extinction of the civil rights and capacities of a person, consequent upon sentence of death or outlawry; as, an act of attainder.


قابلیت ۔ ہنر ۔
(1) - Attainment (n.) That which is attained to, or obtained by exertion; acquirement; acquisition; (pl.), mental acquirements; knowledge; as, literary and scientific attainments.
(2) - Attainment (n.) The act of attaining; the act of arriving at or reaching; hence, the act of obtaining by efforts.