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Index of English words, starting with "fo"

Showing: 166-170 of 407

Page 34 of 82


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مُقَدّر کر دینا ۔ بَد قِسمَتی کا پَہلے سے فَیصلہ ہو چُکنا ۔ اَزلی بَد نَصِیبی ۔ تَذمِیم و تَعذِیب ۔
(1) - Foredoom (n.) Doom or sentence decreed in advance.
(2) - Foredoom (v. t.) To doom beforehand; to predestinate.


باپ دادا ۔ اباواجداد ۔ اسلاف ۔
(1) - Forefather (n.) One who precedes another in the line of genealogy in any degree, but usually in a remote degree; an ancestor.


انگشت شہادت ۔
(1) - Forefinger (n.) The finger next to the thumb; the index.


جانور کا اگلا پاؤں ۔
(1) - Forefoot (n.) A piece of timber which terminates the keel at the fore end, connecting it with the lower end of the stem.
(2) - Forefoot (n.) One of the anterior feet of a quardruped or multiped; -- usually written fore foot.


اگلا دستہ ۔