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Index of English words, starting with "ma"

Showing: 156-160 of 1041

Page 32 of 209


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


معدنی یا نامیاتی مادے کی نرم یا رقیق مقدار ۔ معجون ۔
(1) - Magma (n.) The amorphous or homogenous matrix or ground mass, as distinguished from well-defined crystals; as, the magma of porphyry.
(2) - Magma (n.) The glassy base of an eruptive rock.
(3) - Magma (n.) The molten matter within the earth, the source of the material of lava flows, dikes of eruptive rocks, etc.
(4) - Magma (n.) A salve or confection of thick consistency.
(5) - Magma (n.) A thick residuum obtained from certain substances after the fluid parts are expressed from them; the grounds which remain after treating a substance with any menstruum, as water or alcohol.
(6) - Magma (n.) Any crude mixture of mineral or organic matters in the state of a thin paste.


معجونی ۔ معجون نما ۔


انسانی حقوق اور آزادی کا منشور ۔


حقوق جو انگلستان کے لوگوں کو بادشاہ جان سے ملے ۔


دلیرانھ، بلند حوصلگی سے، فیاضی سے ۔