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Index of English words, starting with "sp"

Showing: 156-160 of 808

Page 32 of 162


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


الگ صُرت اَختِیار کرنے والا ۔


اِرتقئی عمل میں الگ صُورَت اَختیار کرنا ۔


روکڑ ۔ نقد ی ۔ روپیہ ۔
(1) - Specie (n.) Coin; hard money.
(2) - Specie () abl. of L. species sort, kind. Used in the phrase in specie, that is, in sort, in kind, in (its own) form.


صنف ۔ نوع ۔ قسم ۔ صورت ۔ وضع ۔
(1) - Species (n.) The form or shape given to materials; fashion or shape; form; figure.
(2) - Species (n.) An officinal mixture or compound powder of any kind; esp., one used for making an aromatic tea or tisane; a tea mixture.
(3) - Species (n.) A component part of compound medicine; a simple.
(4) - Species (n.) A public spectacle or exhibition.
(5) - Species (n.) Coin, or coined silver, gold, ot other metal, used as a circulating medium; specie.
(6) - Species (n.) A sort; a kind; a variety; as, a species of low cunning; a species of generosity; a species of cloth.
(7) - Species (n.) In science, a more or less permanent group of existing things or beings, associated according to attributes, or properties determined by scientific observation.
(8) - Species (n.) A group of individuals agreeing in common attributes, and designated by a common name; a conception subordinated to another conception, called a genus, or generic conception, from which it differs in containing or comprehending more attributes, and extending to fewer individuals. Thus, man is a species, under animal as a genus; and man, in its turn, may be regarded as a genus with respect to European, American, or the like, as species.
(9) - Species (n.) Visible or sensible presentation; appearance; a sensible percept received by the imagination; an image.


قابل اتخصیص ۔ قابل ذکر ۔
(1) - Specifiable (a.) Admitting specification; capable of being specified.