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Index of English words, starting with "wi"

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


شَعُوری طَور پَر ۔ عقَل و ہوش سے ۔ دانِستَہ ۔
(1) - Wittingly (v.) Knowingly; with knowledge; by design.


(قَدیم) قَرّم ساق ۔ اپنی بیوی کی بَدچَلنی پَر خاموش رہنے اور اُسے بَرداشت کَرنے والا آدمی ۔
(1) - Wittol (n.) A man who knows his wife's infidelity and submits to it; a tame cuckold; -- so called because the cuckoo lays its eggs in the wittol's nest.
(2) - Wittol (n.) The wheatear.


حِسِ مَزاح اور سَمَجھ بُوجھ رَکھنے والا ۔ نُکتَہ سَنج ۔ تَروتازَہ ۔ خُوش پوش ۔
(1) - Witty (n.) Especially, possessing wit or humor; good at repartee; droll; facetious; sometimes, sarcastic; as, a witty remark, poem, and the like.
(2) - Witty (n.) Possessed of wit; knowing; wise; skillful; judicious; clever; cunning.


شادی کرنا ۔ شادی کرانا ۔ بیاہ کرا دینا ۔
(1) - Wive (v. t.) To take for a wife; to marry.
(2) - Wive (v. t.) To match to a wife; to provide with a wife.
(3) - Wive (v. i.) To marry, as a man; to take a wife.


شادی کرنے والا ۔
(1) - Wiver (n.) Alt. of Wivern