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Index of English words, starting with "ba"

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


(کِیمِیا) الفَلی بَننے دینا ۔
(1) - Basify (v. t.) To convert into a salifiable base.


کالی تلسی ۔ نابو ۔ ریحان ۔
(1) - Basil (n.) The skin of a sheep tanned with bark.
(2) - Basil (n.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil (Ocymum basilicum), and the bush basil, or lesser basil (O. minimum), the leaves of which are used in cookery. The name is also given to several kinds of mountain mint (Pycnanthemum).
(3) - Basil (v. t.) To grind or form the edge of to an angle.
(4) - Basil (n.) The slope or angle to which the cutting edge of a tool, as a plane, is ground.


یُونانی پادری سینٹ باسَل ۔


باسلیق ۔ بازُو کی اندرُونی ایک وَرید ۔
(1) - Basilic (a.) Alt. of Basilical
(2) - Basilic (n.) Basilica.


باسَلیقی ۔ قَدیم مُستَطیل رومی عمارَت ۔
(1) - Basilica (n.) A digest of the laws of Justinian, translated from the original Latin into Greek, by order of Basil I., in the ninth century.
(2) - Basilica (n.) A church building of the earlier centuries of Christianity, the plan of which was taken from the basilica of the Romans. The name is still applied to some churches by way of honorary distinction.
(3) - Basilica (n.) A building used by the Romans as a place of public meeting, with court rooms, etc., attached.
(4) - Basilica (n.) Originally, the place of a king; but afterward, an apartment provided in the houses of persons of importance, where assemblies were held for dispensing justice; and hence, any large hall used for this purpose.