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Index of English words, starting with "ba"

Showing: 586-590 of 600

Page 118 of 120


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


فحش ۔ بیہودہ ۔
(1) - Bawdy (a.) Obscene; filthy; unchaste.
(2) - Bawdy (a.) Dirty; foul; -- said of clothes.


رنڈی کا مکان ۔ چکلا ۔
(1) - Bawdyhouse (n.) A house of prostitution; a house of ill fame; a brothel.


چیخنا ۔ چلانا ۔
(1) - Bawl (n.) A loud, prolonged cry; an outcry.
(2) - Bawl (v. t.) To proclaim with a loud voice, or by outcry, as a hawker or town-crier does.
(3) - Bawl (v. i.) To cry loudly, as a child from pain or vexation.
(4) - Bawl (v. i.) To cry out with a loud, full sound; to cry with vehemence, as in calling or exultation; to shout; to vociferate.


آواز لگانے والا ۔
(1) - Bawler (n.) One who bawls.


مویشیوں کا باڑہ ۔
(1) - Bawn (n.) A large house.
(2) - Bawn (n.) An inclosure with mud or stone walls, for keeping cattle; a fortified inclosure.