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Index of English words, starting with "sa"

Showing: 71-75 of 761

Page 15 of 153


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


فضل رب کے متلعق ۔ مقدس رسم کے متعلق ۔
(1) - Sacramental (n.) That which relates to a sacrament.
(2) - Sacramental (a.) Bound by a sacrament.
(3) - Sacramental (a.) Of or pertaining to a sacrament or the sacraments; of the nature of a sacrament; sacredly or solemnly binding; as, sacramental rites or elements.


اس عقیدہ انکار کہ عشائے ربانی کی روٹی اور شراب حضرت مسیح کا جسم اور خون ہے ۔ انکار حضوری ۔
(1) - Sacramentalism (n.) The doctrine and use of sacraments; attachment of excessive importance to sacraments.


عقیدَہ اِنکارِ حَضُوری کا مُعتَقِد ۔ پابَندِ رَسُومات ۔ رَسمِ مُقَدَّس کو ماننے والا ۔
(1) - Sacramentalist (n.) One who holds the doctrine of the real objective presence of Christ's body and blood in the holy eucharist.


مَذہَبی حُکم کی رُو سے ۔
(1) - Sacramentally (adv.) In a sacramental manner.


منکر حضوری ۔ وہ عیسائی جو کلیسائے روم کے طریق پر نہیں چلنا ۔
(1) - Sacramentarian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Sacramentarians.
(2) - Sacramentarian (a.) Of or pertaining a sacrament, or to the sacramentals; sacramental.
(3) - Sacramentarian (n.) One who holds extreme opinions regarding the efficacy of sacraments.
(4) - Sacramentarian (n.) A name given in the sixteenth century to those German reformers who rejected both the Roman and the Lutheran doctrine of the holy eucharist.