atrip |
(جَہاز رانی) تھوڑا اُوپر ۔ ذرابُلَند ۔ |
(1) - Atrip (adv.) Hoisted up and ready to be swayed across; -- said of yards. (2) - Atrip (adv.) Sheeted home, hoisted taut up and ready for trimming; -- said of sails. (3) - Atrip (adv.) Just hove clear of the ground; -- said of the anchor. |
atrium |
ایٹریم ۔ اطاق ۔ کہفہ ، جوف ، داخَل ہونے کا راستہ یا صِرف راستہ ۔ دِل کے بالائی دو کہفوں میں سے ایک ۔ اِس کو آریکَل بھی کہتے ہَیں ایوان ۔ اُطاق ۔ داخلی حال ۔ گھَر کے اندَر مَرکَزی صحَن ۔ |
(1) - Atrium (n.) A cavity in ascidians into which the intestine and generative ducts open, and which also receives the water from the gills. See Ascidioidea. (2) - Atrium (n.) The main part of either auricle of the heart as distinct from the auricular appendix. Also, the whole articular portion of the heart. (3) - Atrium (n.) An open court with a porch or gallery around three or more sides; especially at the entrance of a basilica or other church. The name was extended in the Middle Ages to the open churchyard or cemetery. (4) - Atrium (n.) A square hall lighted from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels. |
atrocious |
ظالم ۔ بدذات ۔ |
(1) - Atrocious (a.) Very grievous or violent; terrible; as, atrocious distempers. (2) - Atrocious (a.) Characterized by, or expressing, great atrocity. (3) - Atrocious (a.) Extremely heinous; full of enormous wickedness; as, atrocious quilt or deeds. |