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Index of English words, starting with "fo"

Showing: 196-200 of 407

Page 40 of 82


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


دو پہر سے پہلے ۔
(1) - Forenoon (n.) The early part of the day, from morning to meridian, or noon.


عدالت کے متعلق ۔
(1) - Forensic (n.) An exercise in debate; a forensic contest; an argumentative thesis.
(2) - Forensic (a.) Belonging to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate; used in legal proceedings, or in public discussions; argumentative; rhetorical; as, forensic eloquence or disputes.


بحَث مُباحَثَہ ۔ اِستَدلال کا فَن ۔ فَنِّ بحَث ۔


پہلے سے مقرر کرنا ۔ کسی واقعہ کی نشاندہی کرنا ۔
(1) - Foreordain (v. t.) To ordain or appoint beforehand; to preordain; to predestinate; to predetermine.


بڑھنا ۔ آگے رہنا ۔ پیشوائی کرنا ۔
(1) - Forerun (v. t.) To come before as an earnest of something to follow; to introduce as a harbinger; to announce.
(2) - Forerun (v. t.) To turn before; to precede; to be in advance of (something following).