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Abortive meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ناکام ۔ لاحاصل ۔ ناقص ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Abortive (n.) A medicine to which is attributed the property of causing abortion.
(2) - Abortive (n.) A fruitless effort or issue.
(3) - Abortive (n.) That which is born or brought forth prematurely; an abortion.
(4) - Abortive (v.) Cutting short; as, abortive treatment of typhoid fever.
(5) - Abortive (v.) Causing abortion; as, abortive medicines.
(6) - Abortive (v.) Imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile; as, an abortive organ, stamen, ovule, etc.
(7) - Abortive (v.) Coming to naught; failing in its effect; miscarrying; fruitless; unsuccessful; as, an abortive attempt.
(8) - Abortive (v.) Rendering fruitless or ineffectual.
(9) - Abortive (v.) Made from the skin of a still-born animal; as, abortive vellum.
(10) - Abortive (v.) Produced by abortion; born prematurely; as, an abortive child.

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