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Absent meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

غیر حاضر ۔ غیر موجود ۔ غائب ۔ غافل ۔ کھویا ہوا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Absent (v. t.) To withhold from being present.
(2) - Absent (v. t.) To take or withdraw (one's self) to such a distance as to prevent intercourse; -- used with the reflexive pronoun.
(3) - Absent (a.) Inattentive to what is passing; absent-minded; preoccupied; as, an absent air.
(4) - Absent (a.) Not existing; lacking; as, the part was rudimental or absent.
(5) - Absent (a.) Being away from a place; withdrawn from a place; not present.

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