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Alliance meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

رشتہ ۔ تعلق ۔ ناطہ ۔ قرابت ۔ معاہدہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Alliance (v. t.) To connect by alliance; to ally.
(2) - Alliance (n.) The persons or parties allied.
(3) - Alliance (n.) Any union resembling that of families or states; union by relationship in qualities; affinity.
(4) - Alliance (n.) The state of being allied; the act of allying or uniting; a union or connection of interests between families, states, parties, etc., especially between families by marriage and states by compact, treaty, or league; as, matrimonial alliances; an alliance between church and state; an alliance between France and England.

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