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Ally meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

دوست ۔ رفیق ۔ سنگ مرمر کی گولی ۔ ملانا ۔ متفق کرنا ۔ رشتہ جوڑنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Ally (n.) See Alley, a marble or taw.
(2) - Ally (v.) Anything akin to another by structure, etc.
(3) - Ally (v.) Anything associated with another as a helper; an auxiliary.
(4) - Ally (v.) One united to another by treaty or league; -- usually applied to sovereigns or states; a confederate.
(5) - Ally (v.) A relative; a kinsman.
(6) - Ally (v. t.) To connect or form a relation between by similitude, resemblance, friendship, or love.
(7) - Ally (v. t.) To unite, or form a connection between, as between families by marriage, or between princes and states by treaty, league, or confederacy; -- often followed by to or with.

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