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Alternative meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

سبیل ۔ راستہ ۔ صورت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Alternative (n.) A choice between more than two things; one of several things offered to choose among.
(2) - Alternative (n.) The course of action or the thing offered in place of another.
(3) - Alternative (n.) Either of two things or propositions offered to one's choice. Thus when two things offer a choice of one only, the two things are called alternatives.
(4) - Alternative (n.) An offer of two things, one of which may be chosen, but not both; a choice between two things, so that if one is taken, the other must be left.
(5) - Alternative (a.) Alternate; reciprocal.
(6) - Alternative (a.) Disjunctive; as, an alternative conjunction.
(7) - Alternative (a.) Offering a choice of two things.

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