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Anacreontic meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

انقَریُونی ۔ یُونانی شاعِر آنکَریُون کی شاعِری سے مِلتی جُلتی ، مے و مُحَبَّت کی تَعریف سے مُتعلِق ۔ بَزمِیَہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Anacreontic (n.) A poem after the manner of Anacreon; a sprightly little poem in praise of love and wine.
(2) - Anacreontic (a.) Pertaining to, after the manner of, or in the meter of, the Greek poet Anacreon; amatory and convivial.

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