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Astragalus meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

عُظمُ الکَعَب ۔ بَڑے رِیڑھ دار جانوَروں کی وہ ہَڈی جو کَف پا کے اندَر ہوتی ہے ؛ اِنسان کے ٹَخنے کی ہَڈی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Astragalus (n.) See Astragal, 1.
(2) - Astragalus (n.) A genus of papilionaceous plants, of the tribe Galegeae, containing numerous species, two of which are called, in English, milk vetch and licorice vetch. Gum tragacanth is obtained from different oriental species, particularly the A. gummifer and A. verus.
(3) - Astragalus (n.) The ankle bone, or hock bone; the bone of the tarsus which articulates with the tibia at the ankle.

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