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Blubber meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

وہیل مچھلی کی چربی ۔ رونا ۔ گریہ و زاری ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Blubber (v. t.) To give vent to (tears) or utter (broken words or cries); -- with forth or out.
(2) - Blubber (v. t.) To swell or disfigure (the face) with weeping; to wet with tears.
(3) - Blubber (v. i.) To weep noisily, or so as to disfigure the face; to cry in a childish manner.
(4) - Blubber (n.) A large sea nettle or medusa.
(5) - Blubber (n.) The fat of whales and other large sea animals from which oil is obtained. It lies immediately under the skin and over the muscular flesh.
(6) - Blubber (n.) A bubble.

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