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Brave meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

بھادر ۔ دلیر ۔ جواں مرد ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Brave (v. t.) To adorn; to make fine or showy.
(2) - Brave (v. t.) To encounter with courage and fortitude; to set at defiance; to defy; to dare.
(3) - Brave (n.) A challenge; a defiance; bravado.
(4) - Brave (n.) A man daring beyond discretion; a bully.
(5) - Brave (n.) Specifically, an Indian warrior.
(6) - Brave (n.) A brave person; one who is daring.
(7) - Brave (superl.) Making a fine show or display.
(8) - Brave (superl.) Having any sort of superiority or excellence; -- especially such as in conspicuous.
(9) - Brave (superl.) Bold; courageous; daring; intrepid; -- opposed to cowardly; as, a brave man; a brave act.

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