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Bulla meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

آبلہ ۔ چھالا ۔ ایک بَڑا آبی چھالا آبلَہ ۔ چھالَہ ۔ حَباب ۔ اُبھری ہوئی گول جگہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Bulla (n.) A genus of marine shells. See Bubble shell.
(2) - Bulla (n.) A leaden seal for a document; esp. the round leaden seal attached to the papal bulls, which has on one side a representation of St. Peter and St. Paul, and on the other the name of the pope who uses it.
(3) - Bulla (n.) The ovoid prominence below the opening of the ear in the skulls of many animals; as, the tympanic or auditory bulla.
(4) - Bulla (n.) A bleb; a vesicle, or an elevation of the cuticle, containing a transparent watery fluid.

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