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Bump meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ٹکرانا ۔ دھکا دینا ۔ دھکیلنا ۔ گیند کا اچھالنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Bump (n.) The noise made by the bittern.
(2) - Bump (v. i.) To make a loud, heavy, or hollow noise, as the bittern; to boom.
(3) - Bump (n.) The act of striking the stern of the boat in advance with the prow of the boat following.
(4) - Bump (n.) One of the protuberances on the cranium which are associated with distinct faculties or affections of the mind; as, the bump of "veneration;" the bump of "acquisitiveness."
(5) - Bump (n.) A swelling or prominence, resulting from a bump or blow; a protuberance.
(6) - Bump (n.) A thump; a heavy blow.
(7) - Bump (v. i.) To come in violent contact with something; to thump.
(8) - Bump (v. t.) To strike, as with or against anything large or solid; to thump; as, to bump the head against a wall.

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