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Butt meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

گونے محفل ۔ نشانہ ۔ شراب کاہیپا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Butt (n.) The common English flounder.
(2) - Butt (n.) A large cask or vessel for wine or beer. It contains two hogsheads.
(3) - Butt (v. t.) To strike by thrusting the head against; to strike with the head.
(4) - Butt (v. i.) To thrust the head forward; to strike by thrusting the head forward, as an ox or a ram. [See Butt, n.]
(5) - Butt (v. i.) To join at the butt, end, or outward extremity; to terminate; to be bounded; to abut.
(6) - Butt (v. t.) Alt. of But

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