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Cant meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

زاویہ ۔ رخ ۔ ترچھا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Cant (n.) An affected, singsong mode of speaking.
(2) - Cant (n.) An outer or external angle.
(3) - Cant (n.) An inclination from a horizontal or vertical line; a slope or bevel; a titl.
(4) - Cant (n.) A sudden thrust, push, kick, or other impulse, producing a bias or change of direction; also, the bias or turn so give; as, to give a ball a cant.
(5) - Cant (n.) A segment forming a side piece in the head of a cask.
(6) - Cant (n.) A segment of he rim of a wooden cogwheel.
(7) - Cant (n.) A piece of wood laid upon the deck of a vessel to support the bulkheads.
(8) - Cant (v. t.) To incline; to set at an angle; to tilt over; to tip upon the edge; as, to cant a cask; to cant a ship.
(9) - Cant (n.) A corner; angle; niche.
(10) - Cant (v. t.) To cut off an angle from, as from a square piece of timber, or from the head of a bolt.
(11) - Cant (v. t.) to sell by auction, or bid a price at a sale by auction.
(12) - Cant (n.) The idioms and peculiarities of speech in any sect, class, or occupation.
(13) - Cant (n.) The use of religious phraseology without understanding or sincerity; empty, solemn speech, implying what is not felt; hypocrisy.
(14) - Cant (n.) Vulgar jargon; slang; the secret language spoker by gipsies, thieves, tramps, or beggars.
(15) - Cant (a.) Of the nature of cant; affected; vulgar.
(16) - Cant (v. i.) To speak in a whining voice, or an affected, singsong tone.
(17) - Cant (v. i.) To make whining pretensions to goodness; to talk with an affectation of religion, philanthropy, etc.; to practice hypocrisy; as, a canting fanatic.
(18) - Cant (v. i.) To use pretentious language, barbarous jargon, or technical terms; to talk with an affectation of learning.
(19) - Cant (n.) A call for bidders at a public sale; an auction.
(20) - Cant (v. t.) To give a sudden turn or new direction to; as, to cant round a stick of timber; to cant a football.

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