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Charm meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

موہ لینا ۔ جادو منتر پھونکنا ۔ جادو کرنا ۔ مسرور کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Charm (v. i.) To make a musical sound.
(2) - Charm (v. i.) To act as, or produce the effect of, a charm; to please greatly; to be fascinating.
(3) - Charm (v. i.) To use magic arts or occult power; to make use of charms.
(4) - Charm (n.) To protect with, or make invulnerable by, spells, charms, or supernatural influences; as, a charmed life.
(5) - Charm (n.) To attract irresistibly; to delight exceedingly; to enchant; to fascinate.
(6) - Charm (n.) To subdue or overcome by some secret power, or by that which gives pleasure; to allay; to soothe.
(7) - Charm (n.) To subdue, control, or summon by incantation or supernatural influence; to affect by magic.
(8) - Charm (n.) To make music upon; to tune.
(9) - Charm (n.) Any small decorative object worn on the person, as a seal, a key, a silver whistle, or the like. Bunches of charms are often worn at the watch chain.
(10) - Charm (n.) Anything worn for its supposed efficacy to the wearer in averting ill or securing good fortune.
(11) - Charm (n.) That which exerts an irresistible power to please and attract; that which fascinates; any alluring quality.
(12) - Charm (n.) A word or combination of words sung or spoken in the practice of magic; a magical combination of words, characters, etc.; an incantation.
(13) - Charm (n.) A melody; a song.

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