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Checker meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

شطرنج کا تختہ ۔ شطرنج کی بساط ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Checker (v. t.) Checkerwork.
(2) - Checker (v. t.) A pattern in checks; a single check.
(3) - Checker (v. t.) A piece in the game of draughts or checkers.
(4) - Checker (n.) To variegate or diversify with different qualities, colors, scenes, or events; esp., to subject to frequent alternations of prosperity and adversity.
(5) - Checker (n.) To mark with small squares like a checkerboard, as by crossing stripes of different colors.
(6) - Checker (v. t.) One who checks.

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